Dogs & Fireworks
Is fido terrified every time there is a big boom in the neighborhood? Not sure how to help your pup without going to the middle of nowhere every 4th of July? Now that the summer months are here, fireworks are on the horizon (maybe you already dealt with this on Memorial Day here in the US). Fact: New Years Eve and 4th of July are the days when the highest number of dogs run away! Here are my best tips for helping your dog cope with fireworks and other loud noises!
Keep your dog away from fireworks. Never bring them with you to the fireworks show.
Make sure your pet has proper identification in the event they do wind up lost.
This includes a collar (WITH TAGS! and make sure the tag information is up to date!), microchip, and if at all possible a GPS device. An Apple Air Tag will work, a Fi Collar is even better!
Try to create a “safe haven” for your dog. Great places that dampen noises are basements or even large closets so that they cannot see or hear the fireworks going on outside.
Freeze peanut butter or other dog-friendly goodies in a Kong or other similar toy to keep them busy.
Play White Noise to help drown out any outside noises.
Leave the TV or Radio On. Try puppy radio or classical music.
Comfort your dog with extra love. Consider a thunder jacket if they seem to be particularly distraught by loud noises.
Stay calm- your dog can read your emotions. Let them know that everything is ok.
Last but not least, remember that “Big Noise Makes Cheese Happen!” Treats always help matters, but they help even more when you have an anxious dog on your hands!
Extra resources to help you and your pet cope with fireworks: